
application NORFI exhaust gas extractors for tractors, combine harvesters and other agricultural machines with combustion

Regulowane ramiona do hamowni

Dyno test

The technical solution recommended by NORFI during inertial and load tests in dyno test stands

Zaawansowana technologia do pojazdów wojskowych


application Engine exhaust, smoke and dust extraction systems for military technology Our NORFI-Military Line, uniquely

Mechanik samochodowy wykonuje pracę z włączonym odciągiem spalin

Car workshops

We have been associated with the automotive industry since the beginning of NORFI. We know

Ramię do górnych i dolnych układów wydechowych autobusów

Bus depots

Exhaust gas exhaust systems for the daily and technical service halls of buses Efficient work

Szynowy wyciąg spalin zintegrowany z linią produkcyjną

Vehicle factories

Perfectly integrated, automated and contactless exhaust extraction systems for automotive factories Full integration of the

Fire stations

Reliable and easy to use exhaust extraction system for Rescue and Firefighting Unit vehicles Exhaust

Spawanie bez wyciągu spalin jest szkodliwe dla zdrowia


NORFI solutions for the industrial sector, where the air is polluted during various technological processes