Uniwersalne rozwiązanie do usuwania spalin samochodowych

Extraction rails

NORFI’s flagship solution for versatile applications Extraction rails are the ultimate solution for any industry

Warsztatowy wyciąg spalin samochodowych

Single extractors

The most popular technical solution for exhaust gas removal from a garage, workshop or car

Exhaust hose reels

Professional devices for removing car exhaust fumes used in many industries Take matters into your

Urządzenie do odciągu dymów i pyłów spawalniczych

Extraction arms

A precise, non-contact suction nozzle secures the proper pollutant collection from every technological process Extraction

Wysokiej jakości węże odciągowe do spalin samochodowych

Exhaust hoses

From standard applications to applications requiring high-temperature resistance Up to +750°C resistance to high exhaust

Okrągła ssawka do wyciągu spalin

Exhaust nozzles

A properly selected vehicle nozzle guarantees the safe extraction of vehicle exhaust fumes First contact

Trónik do pojedynczy odciąg spalin


With these accessories, using an exhaust extractor will be even more accessible. See NORFI solutions